Good morning. It has been a while since I last wrote, but that is not new to our regular readers. Our visitor numbers indicate that someone is out there reading this, but I am beginning to have second thoughts to the whole community portion of this blog. Probably need something a little simpler then the full blown CMS that I installed. The CM has pushed me over the disk limit on the web host as well so expect a redesign in the community function in the next couple of months or so.
I was hoping for a more interactive web site but the forums in the community just don't seem to be a place to go. Its kind of disheartening. I know that I should not take it personally, it is just the nature of the web, but it hurts to fail. I am trying to look at things from a positive angle and try and rework the site to something that will be more meaningful to those out there that are dealing with depression and bipolar.
On a different note I have a doctors appointment next week and I am looking at a reworking of my medications. Things were working ok but now things just seem to be bottoming out. I am just not sure how much more of this I can take. I have put in for an additional day off from work but what I really need is a non stress 9-5 Monday - Friday job. I still have the stress of our finances hanging over us, and it is just a matter of time before that blows up. Our landlord has put us in a position where we might loose our housing allowance, which would be devastating.