19 April 2005

I am still here

I sit here, and I know that I should be going to bed, but it dawns on me that I have not written in a while. I have been paper journaling from the book 40 days of purpose. A while back I tried to journal the book here, with little success. The paper journal seems to be working.

My wife and I did something two weeks ago that has been phenomenal. Those of you who read regularly (ok there is little regular about this blog) will know that my marriage has seen better days. Several months back I attempted suicide the situation in my marriage had decayed that badly. Well that was before 2 weeks ago. Oh we are still in the same financial moray that we ever were, but our marriage is back on track.

We attended Marriage Restored weekend. Wow, what a diference three days can make. If you have experienced heartache in your marriage man I strongly urge you to give this program a try. It has done wonders for my marriage, and even our kids are starting to see a change after only 2 weeks of using the tools they provide.

Well I'll close for now. Wanted for there to be at least one up beat message in here.

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