Well the new year is on us. We went over to my parent's house for a party. Surprisingly even my son and my nephews seemed to get along. Some minor problems but none near as bad as we had at Christmas. We did go see Narnia this afternoon with my son and 6 year old daughter. I wanted to take my 14 year old too, but she balked so much that we let her stay home. She was also upset that she had to go to the party at my parents. She wanted to go to a party at her boy friends house. She did not seem to understand my concerns with her being out that late with her boyfriend. I am not sure I did the best job explaining my concerns. She is growing up, and I know that I have to start letting go and trusting more. I cannot protect her forever but I do want to protect her for as long as I can. Its a father thing I guess.
I want this new year to be different. I want to bring my family back together after all that has happened to tear them apart over the past couple of years. I just wish there was a clear way to go. Some instruction book that told me how to do what needs to be done. That is the problem with life there is no instruction manual. No way to tell if your making a mistake until after you have made it.
No No NO! Please don't take this the wrong way. It is only out of concern for your daughter who I know I do not know but you are her father not her friend. Being a father comes first. You HAVE to set limits. If you think she doesn't need to be out late with a boy then you should have stuck to your decision even if she didn't want to understand your reasoning. Just a question but you were 14 once. What would you be doing unchaperoned with your girlfriend??? It's your responsibility to look out for her she's not experienced enough in life to make those decisions yet. I became sexually active at the age of 11!!!! Because I didn't have a parent there telling me NO. Kids need that even if they act like they hate you for it. I thank my Dad all the time for all the things he did for me that I hated him for when I was 16. Do you want your daughter to thank you when she's grown up and wiser or do you want her pregnant and hating you for not making her do the right thing? Please do some reading on this topic. You are going to lose your little girl.
Thanks for your concern. Perhaps I was not clear in my post. I was going to take the three older children to see the movie Narnia. My daughter's boyfriend was invited too. She didn't want to see it, and didn't want to do anything "with the family". She did stay home with my wife and youngest.
As for the new years eve party. We told her that her boyfriend was welcome to come to my parents house, but that in no uncertain terms were we going to allow her to go over to her boiyfriends house. This decision was not changed and she did attend the party at my parents.
Oh sorry for getting all nuts. I just want to help if I can. Good luck. God bless. :o)
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