08 October 2003

Which Direction

I hate crossroads. Invariably you have to choose one direction from the possible choices arrayed before you. Seldom are you given the opportunity to go back. Even rarer are the occasions when going back would be an option worth considering. There are reasons why cities spring up around crossroads. People hate the choice, hate it so much so that they would rather stagnate at the cross road the pursue either avenue. The problem is that we are not met to stagnate. We are meant by our creator to be growing. The problem isn't so much the types of choices available (I think that does play a factor) but in the fact that we have choices to make.

The choice as I see it ahead of me is do I embrace my disease. Do I try to live in the "real" world in a state of denial of my mental illness. I have in many ways begun to do that, by sharing with those whom I am close to that I have this illness. This Blog has helped somewhat in that regard. It is more to that. ................

[note: I know the thoughts that I want to say, and maybe at a later date I can say them. The problem is they are trapped within the confusion that is my brain right now. Simply put that train went a whole different direction then I intended it to do and derailed shortly after leaving the station]

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