Thought I would take a few spare minutes and write a bit. Waiting on my wife to get back from the store. It is very agrivating because she has this habbit of doing this when I have to go to work. So I am left wondering if she is going to make it back in time. That is life, one of those things that I cannot chage.
Life is life right now. I have not been 100% in taking my medication so my moods have been fluctuating a little. Ok, fluctuating alot lately. Its better then when I was off the meds but it still is not really good. The weight of our financial situation is a tremendous burden.
My daughter said the other day that she would rather be dead then poor like we are. She didn't know I was still awake and was talking to her mother. She couldn't know how very much her words hurt. I would give almost anything to be able to bring enough money in to meet our needs. As it is there is not enough to pay everything we need to. Seems we are always robbing Peter to pay Paul as the saying goes. Doesn't look like we will have enough money to even send the kids to the fair this year.
Well the wife is home so I will close for now. Hopefully I will write more often in the future.
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