15 January 2013


Many years ago, I decided to start a blog.  It was never overly successful.  It was a blog about life with depression and the struggles that brings to the Christian walk.  Well I have not been cured of depression, so that will still play a large role in what I write about.  My life and the priorities in my life have however undergone a unique transformation.  I figured it was time my blog under went that same transformation.  Maybe at some point I will think of a new name for the blog, but for now I will leave that the same.  I have however listed it under cpscrimes which I think is fitting considering the push CPS or Children's Division as it is called here in Missouri gave us down this road.

This is not a blog with many answers.  As such it is not unique.  One only has to do a quick search on CPS and corruption and one will find a myriad of websites, blogs, Facebook groups, twitter feeds etc. that tell one or more person's stories about CPS.  The problem isn't a local one, or even a national one, it is a global one.  Country after country, state after state, county after county, community after community are experiencing the horrors of which I speak.  Strangely enough the national and even local media turn a blind eye to what is happening.  We have an epidemic of child abuse in this country so no one wants to be seen as soft on protecting the children.  The problem is they ignore the abuse that is being perpetrated in the name of protection.  Politicians and the media need to hear about the crimes, and find some motivation to do something about it.

So if my voice isn't necessaril;y unique, and I have no answers to offer, why am I raising my voice?  Well I guess quite simply to be a "Who".  You see when crisis threatened Whoville it took all the whos shouting in unison to attract the attention of the powers that could prevent the crisis.  Maybe my voice is not unique, maybe it is just another shout in the crowd.  I have to believe, I have to have hope, that just maybe, by a slim margin, it might be the voice that tips the scale.  It might be the voice that finally gets the right persons attention.  Maybe its just one voice to get another person motivated to start shouting.

In future posts I will tell more of my story.  I will flesh out what has happened to us, and what we have been doing to fight  the system and win our girls back.  The bottom line in all of this is the girls.  They are out there lost and alone and clinging to whatever hope is being offered to them.  I have confidence in the God I serve that he will not abandon them to the wolves.  That he will keep and protect them through whatever storm may be raging in our lives.  There world may be filled with lies about who and what their parents are, but there hearts will always in some corner know the truth of the Love that we have for them.  My heart breaks not at the pain I myself feel, but at the pain that I know my children must feel at the cruel hands of those who seek to protect them from a monster that does not exist.

To my children I would say this.  I Love you and your mom loves you very much.  You were God's gift to us, and we will never stop fighting for you, and for the truth as long as we have breath and a means to express our voice. "Be strong and courageous [my little ones], be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria [or Childen's Division], nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him:"

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