21 August 2003

Web Site Updates

Good morning. I know I have not been writing much lately. The doctor is going through a change of medication, and I am being weened off of one and increasing another. So far the changes have not been good. I basically slept through my two days off. Which I know is hard on my kids because there is so precious little time to spend with them. Any way I have done some improvments to the right side menu bar including a forum. Ok its not perfect but it is free, and right now I am limited to free. I have also added a link to a tell a friend feature. If you find my ramblings interesting, or even if you just find them kind of nutty please pass the link on to your friends, or maybe your enemies.

Any way I am VERY tired right now and am heading off to bed. Not expecting to get much sleep because my daughter is going to be watching the two younger girls while my wife is at the doctors. Oh well I suppose its the life of a third shifter.

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